Back to School: How to Prepare
The first day of school is a new beginning. That sense of excitement and hope for the year ahead is palpable, but it can also be overwhelming when you're not sure what to expect or how to prepare. Fear not! It's back to school time! Whether you're back in the classroom for the first day or back at work, there are a few things you can do to prepare.
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Getting into the Back to School Routine
Routines are important for back to school because they provide some structure and stability to for everyone's lives. Routines help to ensure that everyone knows what is expected and when it needs to be done. With the coming of the school year comes a lot of change for many people, which can be overwhelming.
Routines provide an anchor or foundation which people can rely on during times of transition. Establishing regular study times and bedtimes also helps people become more organized, leading to better academic and professional performance. Routines also instill healthy habits which will benefit everyone throughout their lives!
Here are some helpful tips for getting back into your routine
- Start by setting intentions and goals. What is it that you want to achieve this semester?
- Organize your space so that everything has its place. This will help keep clutter down and make it easier when looking for something specific.
- Have a plan of action before going back to school or starting back up at work. Knowing what needs to be done ahead of time can help with anxiety and feelings of confusion about where to begin when we get back into our routines after being away for a while.
- Establish boundaries and meal times that work for you, so that back to school doesn't become back on the hamster wheel of never being able to fully relax or take care of yourself.
- Get in touch with your passions! If you've ever wanted to learn something new, this is a great time to do it.
Let's celebrate back to school
We know that the back-to-school season is heavy on parents, but it also has a big impact on children. It's important for caregivers and families to be mindful of the changes this transition will have on kids- we want them to come out feeling excited and ready! That's why we're sharing our back-to-school activity kit!
Here you will find some prompts that get kids thinking about their best memories, as well as what they hope for this upcoming school year. The activity kit includes drawing prompts, journaling activities, and more! Let your child take charge of their experience by taking time every day for some fun writing exercises.
If you want to read more about how to celebrate the first day of school, the first ride on the school bus, or your first day at work, you can go to How to Celebrate the First Day of School. It's a post with videos and prompts that you can find on the website.
Back to School Stories
The best way to create a connection with someone is by sharing your own story and asking intentional questions. This includes talking to small humans (children) if you have them or are around them. As someone who works with kids of all ages in scouting and activities, I always keep in mind that the “kid” in front of me is a human with their own emotions and experiences. That allows me to connect quickly even when they are not around as much, so we can work on developing better relationships over time. If you have ever felt like you couldn’t connect with someone, start with this concept.
What now?
Back-to-school season is here and as always, it brings a mixture of emotions. There’s the excitement that comes with getting ready for new things to come and there’s also some anxiety about what lies ahead. Whether you are starting school or sending your children back to school this year, don't forget how important it is to remember those first-day jitters are normal and you are not alone.
We all have stories waiting for someone who's willing to tell them, so we can celebrate together in good times and bad ones too– because at the end of every adventure is another one waiting just around the corner. Happy Writing!
Check out the Back-to-School storytelling Activity Kit here!