Halloween Frights – Share your scary stories and fears

Halloween Frights - Share your scary stories and fears

Have you ever experienced something truly frightful or terrifying? Start a storytelling conversation centered around a topic like this and you never know where you will end up 🤣 . You may find even more chilling memories buried deep inside your subconscious. Remember to share your stories when you are working with someone to help…

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Celebrating the First Day of School

back to school and first day of school

The first day of school is a special day for students and their families. It’s a time to celebrate new beginnings and all the possibilities that lie ahead. For seniors who are starting a new chapter in their life, it’s also a time to reflect on all they’ve accomplished. Whether you’re a student or a…

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How to Save Summertime Magic with Storytelling

How to Save Summertime Magic with Storytelling

As the summer days wind down, take the time to savor every last bit of magic. For families, that might mean squeezing in one more trip to the beach or park. For seniors, it could be enjoying a final barbecue with friends. And for caregivers, it might mean finding new ways to keep your loved…

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