back to school and first day of school

Celebrating the First Day of School

The first day of school is a special day for students and their families. It's a time to celebrate new beginnings and all the possibilities that lie ahead. For seniors who are starting a new chapter in their life, it's also a time to reflect on all they've accomplished. Whether you're a student or a caregiver, take some time today to appreciate the milestone that's been reached.

Share Your First Day of School Memory

When we tell our stories, we are sharing our memories and our personal experiences. In doing so, we create a bond with the people we love and care about. Storytelling also allows us to pass on our traditions and our values to future generations. By sharing our stories, we can teach others about who we are and where we come from. Use the prompts below to share a first day of school story with someone you love.

1. Think about a first day of school that was memorable for you

2. Talk about how you felt on that day, and what you were most nervous or excited about

3. Describe the teacher who taught you that year, and what he/she was like

4. Share one or two memorable moments from that year

5. Wrap up the story by talking about how those experiences shaped who you are today

Things to read, listen to, or watch

It’s back to school mode around here. There’s a lot to prepare for, and while it’s sad summer is rolling to an end, there is an excitement about the new school year. There is just something about new starts, fresh beginnings, and preparing for the start of something that energizes me, and always has with those I work with. Perhaps the resources provided below can help do the same!

Additional Resource to check out Back to School Storytelling Activity Kit

This activity kit includes a few ways to tell stories and Back to School inspired prompts. The kit is perfect for the residents in your care, small humans you love, or you 😍 You will find everything you need to plan and host a Back to School Storytelling Activity Session.

School Prompts to Ask Your Storytellers

Taking the time to ask your storytellers about their memories is a great way to build rapport and create meaningful moments. The storytellers in your life will have plenty to share in this area, I’m sure!

Try these prompts to get you started: 

  • Where did you go to school?
  • What was your favorite class in school?
  • Why was this your favorite class?
  • Who was your favorite teacher?
  • Why was this your favorite teacher?
  • Who were some of your best friends in school?
  • Did you do any outside of school activities or jobs?

We all have the good, the bad, and the ugly stories about school, who knows what heartwarming and/or embarrassingly funny stories will unfold with these prompts!

Remembering the first day of School

First day of school memories are cherished by students and caregivers alike. They're a reminder that we're constantly evolving, and each new milestone is an opportunity for growth. No matter what grade you're starting or how many years you've been out of school, take some time today to reflect on your first day and all the adventures that lay ahead.

What now?

Check out the Legacy Recorder Community Guide in print and ebook, you can get your hands on that here. If you already have a copy, thank you! The 5 Minute Storytelling Scripts mentioned in the podcast episodes can be found here.

All journals can be purchased through Amazon. You can find the currently available ones here. Including a companion journal to the book linked above. The journals are a great way to create a keepsake. You can also order multiple copies to have as a workbook for groups that are looking to work together to tell their stories together.

The Legacy Program & Activities Package is live. This includes worksheets, specific instructions, activity suggestions, and how to execute an engaging storytelling activity. This is a great addition to your activity planning and can make your lift a little easier when it comes to planning engaging programming for the people your care for.

If you find you need more one on one support, you can always book time on Gael's calendar here.

Happy Writing!