5 minute storytelling & memory loss

Female nurse and elderly female patient

Recently I had the chance to visit my grandfather in his memory care home. It had been a number of years since I had seen him, so the changes in him were overwhelming evident. I knew going in that he would not be the person I remembered as a young woman. I also knew that…

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5 Minute Storytelling – A Day Off

5 Minute Storytelling - Favorite Day Off

Do you have a favorite memory from a day off you had? The audio below runs through how to have this conversation with a storytelling. Use the prompts below as a guide to keep the conversation going. Q1. Do you have a favorite day off memory? Q2. Who was with you? Q3. What happened? Q4.…

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Storytelling in Care Plans

Storytelling in Care Plans

Why is Storytelling Important  From the outset, I will tell you there are a litany of reasons. I could go on and on about how important storytelling is, but I won’t. I discuss some of it here. The gist is that human dignity can be restored through engaging conversations and storytelling. Yes, this is a…

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5 Minute Storytelling – Wanderlust & Travel

5 minute storytelling wanderlust

This 5-minute storytelling moment takes us to faraway places and warm memories. Reminisce with your residents’ wanderlust years and go with them to their most beloved place on Earth. This practice in storytelling will enhance their day and hopefully help other memories surface. For the full 5 Minute Storytelling Set and others like it, fill…

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Five-minute Storytelling to Reconnect Staff, Residents, and Families

When a loved one goes into a senior care facility, the number of people who support them grows. In addition to their family members, they now have the center staff and residents in their circle. And it’s important to realize that each of these individuals has something to contribute. Five-minute storytelling is a way to…

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