How to Use the Power of Storytelling to Restore Human Dignity in Senior Care

How to Use the Power of Storytelling to Restore Human Dignity in Senior Care

Providing human dignity in senior care facilities and at home is a difficult but rewarding task. It is the responsibility of caregivers, families, and staff to provide this human dignity and quality of life. This article will explore strategies that can be used to help facilitate human dignity and quality of life for patients and residents in care facilities.

When someone loses their sense of dignity, their sense of self is lost as well. How does this happen?

It happens when we deny that person the chance to live to their fullest potential.

It happens as their voice becomes a whisper as we snuff it out with neglect and marginalization.

Human Dignity in Senior Care at Home

Senior home care situations aim to preserve as much of that person as possible; allowing the senior to live at home for as long as possible increases the probability that they will feel more like themselves. In the course of care, it is imperative to take every step to ensure that person’s ability to live a full and happy life.

One way to do this is by intentionally encouraging them to share their story. Taking little moments each day to ask deep and insightful questions will make all the difference in their day. Working with the family to incorporate this interaction into their visits will deepen connections, relationships, and ultimately increase the quality of life for the senior.

Writing the Stories Down

If possible, taking the opportunity to write down or record the answers and conversations with the senior will contribute to a wonderful legacy of the senior you care for. Every person’s story is valuable and important regardless of his or her circumstance.

When a person is asked to share their story, it gives them a renewed sense of self, dignity, and worth. The impact on the people who will hear the story will be immeasurable. It is human nature to want to hear a story and learn from what we hear.

Human Dignity in Senior Care Facilities

There are many ways to preserve human dignity for seniors in care facilities. Family and staff can encourage storytelling as a means of promoting human dignity. This interaction will help deepen relationships and connections, while also increasing the quality of life for the senior. Taking time each day to ask deep and insightful questions will make all the difference in their day.

Taking the time to learn about a person’s life and their personal perspective will have an impact on how they see themselves.

This approach makes for a better quality of care, which in turn benefits all parties involved: patients, caregivers, families, and staff.

Key takeaway points to Bring Storytelling into Care Plans

  • Take the time to learn about a person’s life and their personal perspective will have an impact on how they see themselves.
  • Encourage seniors to share their stories provides human dignity and helps facilitate a better quality of life.
  • Record or write down conversations and stories with seniors has a lasting impact on all who read them.

Restoring Human Dignity in Senior Care

We all have the capacity within us to make every day better for those around us; it’s up to us how we will use this potential. To help facilitate human dignity in senior care and quality of life, share stories with seniors who need them most!

The act of preserving human dignity and quality of life for seniors in care facilities and at home is a daunting task, but it is one that is worth fighting for. With intentional effort and love, we can make a difference in the lives of those who need it most.

What's Next

We hope that this article has helped you understand how storytelling can be used to preserve the dignity of seniors in care facilities. Supporting your caregivers, families, and staff is key to helping them provide a better quality of life for their patients and residents by facilitating more meaningful interactions with stories from their pasts. Are you ready to start bringing storytelling into your care plan? Click here to check out our Activities Package!


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