6 Ways to Help Residents Reconnect with Family

6 Ways to Help Residents Reconnect with Family

It’s easy to get bogged down in the day-to-day of caring for a loved one who is living in a nursing home. The sheer number of residents and the relentlessness of the work can make it feel like you’re stuck in an endless cycle. But it’s important to take a step back and remember that…

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How to Capture Women’s Stories with Ease

How to Capture Women's Stories

Women are the bedrock of our society, shaping our communities and making life richer and more beautiful with their contributions. Sadly, though, many women underestimate their own worth and fail to recognize the power of their stories. That’s why it’s so important to capture women’s stories and encourage women to write down their lives –…

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When your birthday is Leap Year…

leap year baby blog

Have you ever wondered what it’s like to have your birthday on Leap Year? It has good and bad things that come along with it. For me, I don’t have an attachment to dates for birthdays and special holidays. I celebrate when I can and I like to think that I celebrate every day. I…

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