5 Minute Storytelling – Wanderlust & Travel
This 5-minute storytelling moment takes us to faraway places and warm memories. Reminisce with your residents’ wanderlust years and go with them to their most beloved place on Earth. This practice in storytelling will enhance their day and hopefully help other memories surface.

For the full 5 Minute Storytelling Set and others like it, fill in the form below.
Go Deeper: Storytelling as a Group Activity
Seize more than 5-minutes by adding Memory Sessions to
your activity calendar. During each session, a moderator (staff) leads a group in discussing a memory centered around a theme.
Any facility can add memory sessions to their activity calendar for impactful care focused on memory, dignity, and compassion.
To learn more about how to bring this to your facility or community, go here.
Focused Storytelling
If you have residents who are interested in recording their legacy in a more meaningful way, we offer The Legacy Series. The Legacy Series is a tailored program that focuses on recording an individual’s life story in a bound book with a custom cover for that person’s family to cherish for generations to come.

I have personally custom designed every cover to reflect the person's personality and interests. The residents who receive these custom books cherish them forever and are ecstatic to share them with others. Each book contains story summaries of conversations had by a university student and a care resident.
This video shows the end result of a semester's worth of work on the part of students and residents alike. The pairs are reviewing the books together at final celebrations. This is a wonderful example of what a Legacy Project can look like in a facility environment.
Featured in the video are students from Slippery Rock University, participating in Dream Chasers, a program by Don't Stop Dreamin'. Quality Life Services is the family of homes where the Dream Chaser program is based. Over the past three years, the Legacy Recorder has worked with these partners to create a self sustaining intergenerational storytelling program that serves a number of purposes.
Follow this link to learn more about bringing the Legacy Recorder to your community.
Happy Writing,
Gael, the Legacy Lady