Resources, Restoring Human Dignity, & Lawnmowers
This week's blog has been really hard to write. I'm just going to start there. I've started writing it at least 8 times and then furiously smashed the delete button back to a blank page. What I want to do this week is to share my network that I've curated and documented over the last five years. That's how long I've been working towards creating a space and systems for people to implement storytelling methods to restore human dignity.
Figuring out how best to share it, without overwhelming anyone, has been the struggle this week.
Questions people ask me
Often I get asked if I know someone who does X or if I know a company will do Y. I forget sometimes how much effort I put into cataloging and documenting these kinds of resources. It isn’t something I consciously do to be able to share with someone later, it’s just how my brain works.
The result has been that I almost always can come up with the name of a company or person who does that thing. Some examples of resources I catalog are
- archiving and preserving family photos
- genealogy research
- resources for families
- resources for death and grief
- caregiver resources
- senior care resources
Clicking the links above will take you to the various places I have publicly curated lists for those resources (think Twitter lists and Pinterest boards).
Here are a few resources that always come to mind when people ask…
- Final Wish – Family end of life resource
- Tillie’s Tales – Genealogy & Family story Gatherer
- Goodgrief – App to connect people with loss stories
- GoldenCarers – Caregiver resources
One week each month I’m going to create more lists like these. What are things you have been looking for help with and haven’t been able to find? I may know a guy/gal/person 🤣
Restore Human Dignity, one story at a time
I want to invite you to something I’m really excited about. I’m hosting a live interactive workshop this Tuesday at 1pm EST. Yes, it really will be live. And it’s free. We will cover
- how you can use storytelling to restore human dignity in the people you love and care for
- what storytelling could look like for you and yours
- what can happen when we use our listening ears combined with intentional listening
There will also be time for questions. So, if you have been hoping for a time to get some real live action, this is it.
If you can’t make this time, there will be another one in another week. The plan, for now, is to do these weekly throughout the summer. Times may bounce around a bit, so tune in to the emails each week to check the details.
I would absolutely love to have you there! You can register by clicking here.
Meanwhile… Over on the Podcast…
I've been dishing about all things gardening, flowers, my lack of lawn mowing knowledge and how a weed wacker once attacked me. You can check those podcast episodes by hitting the play buttons 😛
Happy Writing,